Sublime has announced the third winner of the
It's Vegalicious! recipe contest for Broward High School students. Eleventh-grade student Alexander Gordon, of Nova High School in Davie, has won the pizza category with his Pineapple Pepper Pizza recipe.
Sublime will present the cash prize of $1,000 to Gordon, as well as another $1,000 to Nova High School, on Sunday, February 21, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. during an award ceremony at Sublime. The pizza dish will be added to Sublime's menu for a limited time and named after Gordon.
It's Vegalicious! contest, officially approved by the School Board of Broward County for the 2009-2010 school year, is open to all Broward High School Students. Students may submit their 100% vegan recipes, for 4-6 servings, under the three remaining categories by the following deadlines: Pasta - 3/1/10; Entree - 4/1/10; and Dessert - 5/1/10.
Winning dishes will be chosen based on their creativity and "vegalicious" factor. Sublime will reward $1,000 each to the winning student per category and to their respective school. Each winning dish will be added to Sublime's menu for a limited time and named after the student. (For complete contest guidelines, students should contact their principal's office.)
Previous contest winners were West Broward High's Jack Naidus for the soup category and Western High's John McKeever for the salad category.
"Sublime is excited to increase student awareness of healthy, plant-based foods, as well as inspiring creativity and entrepreneurship, through the It's Vegalicious recipe contest" says Sublime owner Nanci Alexander. "Congratulations to Alexander Gordon and Nova High School for a sublime recipe!"